

Exotic hairless cat


The Sphynx is a unique hairless cat breed. Two different hairless cats from North America are the ancestors of today's Sphynx.

The modern Sphynx owes its breeding to farm owners in Minnesota who had a hairless kitten called Epidermis. She was sold to another breeder who developed the breed using the Cornish Rex as a cross.

The Sphynx received some negative attention due to its unique and exotic appearance. There were people who believed that the cat needed to be clothed and that the hairlessness was a genetic disorder that made the cat more susceptible to hot and cold weather.

This cat breed is popular and was accepted for competition in the Championship class by The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in February 2002.


The first obvious thing about the Sphynx's appearance is that it is hairless. It is a medium-sized cat with a broad chest, robust and muscular body.

The head is wedge-shaped with rounded contours. The forehead is fairly flat, while the cheekbones are prominent. The ears are very large with the inside completely hairless.

This cat has large lemon-shaped eyes. Their color is usually green and brown, although ideally they match the color of the cat's fur. The whiskers on the face are sparse and short.

The front legs of the Sphinx are shorter than the hind legs. They are firm and muscular with oval long paws. The toes are long, slender and prominent.

Although the coat appears hairless, it is not completely hairless. The skin has a texture like chamois. Short fine down covers the skin and there may be a small tuft of hair on the tip of the tail. The fur is available in different colours.

An adult Sphynx has an average weight of 3 to 5 kg.

The lifespan of Sphynx is 15 years.


The lively Sphynx is said to have the personality traits of monkeys, dogs, children and cats. This is because it can perform aerial arts like a monkey, follow its human companion while wagging its tail like a dog, demand unconditional attention like a child, and still retain all the other traits of a regular cat.

This cat is very lovable. It is energetic and mischievous. Although friendly, it prefers human contact to the company of other pets.

The Sphynx is intelligent and will enjoy playing with its cat toys. It may even enjoy playing and exploring in the garden. It will also thrive in an apartment as long as it gets all the love and attention it craves.


Despite the lack of fur, the Sphynx is not maintenance free. It can become greasy because hair would normally absorb body oils produced by the skin. For this reason, the cat requires weekly baths. This should be done from the time it is a kitten.

The Sphynx should not be exposed to the sun for long periods. It can easily get sunburned, which can damage its skin in almost the same way as human skin. When outside, it should not be left unattended. In winter, it will need clothing to maintain body heat.

This cat seems to have more earwax than most other domestic cat breeds. This is because its ears have no hair that would normally trap dirt and protect the ears from the accumulation of impurities. Weekly ear cleaning is necessary, usually at the same time as its bath.

The Sphynx also collects grease and dirt under its claws and in the folds of skin above its claws. This means it should receive regular cleaning and trimming of long claws.

Regular dental care is important to prevent the accumulation of tartar and plaque, as well as bad breath. A good toothbrush and toothpaste is all that is required for this task.

If your Sphynx is going outside, you should dress it in outerwear, as the breed, due to its lack of fur, easily begins to freeze. Many cat owners for such a breed find a dog jacket in a narrow and small model, which works perfectly.

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