Fascinating Facts About Dogs

Dogs - Learn more about man's best friend!

Miacis, a five-toed weasel-like animal that lived more than 60 million years ago, is the progenitor of the domestic dog, just like it is of the cat. The cave-dwelling Miacis were able to climb trees. The domestic dog nevertheless exhibits the instinct to relieve itself outside the den, making it simple to live indoors. About 40 million years ago, Miacis changed into Cynodictis. Their toes and feet had evolved to be suited for running.

The dog-like animal evolved and developed strong socialization instincts. The genus Canis, which includes the wolf, jackal, and dog, evolved directly from Tomarctus.


Although the exact date of domestication is uncertain, dogs were among the first animals to be kept as pets. A painting in a cave in Europe that dates back 50,000 years depicts an animal that resembles dogs hunting alongside people. But some people hold the opinion that dogs were first domesticated 15,000 years ago. People were in charge of breeding dogs with foxes, jackals, and wolves, and the Egyptian deity of death Anubis had a dog's head.

According to one theory, early dogs were drawn to human settlements by food scraps, and humans accepted them as they scavenged and cleaned up landfills. According to other theories, the dog was domesticated to pull sleds loaded with dead animals from hunts, to obtain food, or to serve as a sacrificial animal in magical or religious rituals.

The Greek author Homer included a reference to dogs in his classic epic The Odyssey. The Greeks of antiquity thought a dog with three heads named Cerberus guarded the entrances to the underworld. Dogs were employed in ancient Rome as messengers, attack dogs, and guard dogs.

Dogs were depicted in a lot of Chinese pottery from the Han Dynasty, symbolizing that favored dogs were buried with their master. Small dogs, which were used for warmth in the wide sleeves of their clothing at the time, became popular in ancient China. In noble homes, European breeds developed in the Middle Ages were used to hunt game. One of these was fox hunting.

Dog breeds

The first kennel clubs were formed in the 19th century and breed histories and pedigrees were established. The first show was held in Great Britain in 1859 and the first all-breed show in Michigan, USA in 1875.

A puppy cannot be purebred unless both of its parents are members of the same breed that has also been bred in the same manner since the beginning of the breed. The American Kennel Club in the United States, the United Kingdom Kennel Club in Great Britain, and the Canadian Kennel Club are just a few examples of the several nations that set their own kennel standards. Following are the top 10 breeds (registered) in each kennel club in 2021:

UK Kennel Club

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. English Cocker Spaniel
  3. French Bulldog
  4. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  5. Pug
  6. Golden Retriever
  7. English Springer Spaniel
  8. German Shepherd
  9. Bulldog
  10. Boxer

American Kennel Club

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. French Bulldog
  3. Golden Retriever
  4. German Shepherd
  5. Poodle
  6. Bulldog
  7. Beagle
  8. Rottweiler
  9. German Shorthaired Pointer
  10. Dachshund

Canadian Kennel Club

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. Golden Retriever
  3. French Bulldog
  4. English Bulldog
  5. German Shepherd
  6. Boxer
  7. Standard Poodle
  8. Shih Tzu
  9. Yorkshire Terrier
  10. Rottweiler

Physical characteristics

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Chihuahua breeds can grow to 13 cm, while the Irish Wolfhound can grow to 81 cm. up to his shoulders. The shapes are determined by the head, body and legs, while the size, color and hair vary just as much. There are dogs that have even colors, others with patches, spots, dots, light and dark markings. Others have no hair, while others are fully covered with them.

The fur on the body can be wavy, straight or curly. Because the hair strands are connected by small muscles, the hair can stand up when these muscles are tensed, e.g. when the dog is stressed. Since a dog does not use the sense of touch like a cat, it is not known why the animal has whiskers on its nose.

The shapes of the head are basically either narrow or wide. Dogs with long faces include German Shepherds and Cocker Spaniels while dogs with small faces include Pekingese and Pugs. It is said that the shape can give a clue to how long the dog will live, as wolves who have long faces live longer compared to flat faced dogs like bulldogs who live a shorter life.

All dogs have three eyelids, and the third cleans the cornea like a windshield wiper. Dogs have keen hearing. The ears can be standing or hanging down, either completely or partially. Sounds and frequencies that are very loud can be heard by dogs, as can the sounds of "silent" whistles.

All dogs have 42 teeth, six pairs are incisors, two pairs are canines and the others are front and back molars. The incisors and canines are used for biting and tearing food. The dog has a relatively thin tongue, which is used to guide food to the throat, lick and cool. When it is hot, it will let its tongue hang out of its mouth and gasp. Evaporation of sweat from the tongue cools it down. A dog also sweats from the pads of its paws and a little through its skin.

Irsk setterThe dog has a strong sense of smell and is always sniffing around. The two nasal cavities behind the nose are lined with a mucous membrane that has many nerve endings that are stimulated by scents and smells. Just above eye level on the forehead is the stop, which is deep in some dogs, and gives the face its distinctive appearance.

Although all dogs have 27 bones in the spine, the number of tailbones varies because different breeds have different tail lengths. There are 13 ribs that protect the heart and lungs, and the wider the ribcage, the better the dog's speed and endurance. Dogs use their front and back legs to move around, scratch and dig. The paws have five toes, one of which is too high to use for anything. Some owners choose to have this one surgically removed when the dog is a puppy.

A normal lifespan for a dog is around 15 years and will be able to reproduce from ten months of age. In old age, the dog's vision will begin to weaken and cataracts may occur. The sense of hearing also weakens and the dog's hair will start to turn gray. Just like an aging human, the dog has muscle and joint pain and does not behave as it did when it was younger.

Common behavior
All dogs are very far-sighted and can detect movements that humans are less likely to see. While our field of vision is 180 degrees, dogs have a field of vision of 250 degrees. A dog can also see better in low light and can even see colors (while dogs are not able to see colors in the same way that humans do, they are still able to see and interpret the world around them in their own way).

Dogs are socially inclined to live in packs like wolves. For this reason, dogs who live with humans come to see the family they live with as their own pack. Dog trainers insist that the owners establish the social order within the "pack" with the dominant female or male as the "Alpha dog" so that the dog can be a subordinate just like other pack members such as the children.

Dogs communicate using visual, physical, auditory and scent cues and can be interpreted as below, according to Paws Across America 


Behavior Ears Eyes Mouth and teeth Body Tail Vocalization
Aggressive Forward or back, close to head. Narrow or staring challengingly. Lips open, drawn back to expose teeth bared in a snarl. Possible jaw snapping. Tense. Upright. Hackles on neck up. Completely Dominant position. Straight out from body. Fluffed up. Snarl. Growl. Loud bark.
Alert Perked-up. Turning to catch sounds. Open normally or wide. Mouth closed or slightly open with teeth covered. Normal. Possibly standing on tiptoe. Slightly Dominant position. Up. Possibly wagging. None. Low whine or alarm bark..
Anxious Partially back. Slightly narrowed. Mouth closed, or slightly open in a "grin." Tense. Slightly lowered in a Submissive position. Partially lowered. Low whine or moaning-type bark.
Before a chase Perked-up, forward-pointing. Wide open. Very alert Mouth slightly open. Excited panting. Tense. Crouched low in a predatory position. Legs bent, poised to run. Extended straight out from body. None.
Curious, eager, excited Perked-up, forward-pointing. Wide open. Mouth open, teeth covered. Possible panting. Normal stance. Possible wiggling, standing on tiptoe, or pacing. Up. Wagging. Excited short barking, whining.
Dominant Up straight or forward. Wide open, staring. Mouth closed or slightly open. Very tall posture. Hackles may be up. Stiffened and fluffed. Up or straight out from body. Low, assertive growl or grunt.
Fearful Laid back flat and low on head. Narrowed, averted. Possibly rolled back in head, whites showing. Lips drawn back to expose teeth. Tense. Crouched low in submissive position. Shivering, trembling. Possible secretion from anal scent glands. Down between legs. Low, worried yelp, whine, or growl.
Flight, beginning stage Back. Wide open. Possibly rolled back with whites showing. Slightly opened mouth. Possible drooling. Tense. Shivering. Low, poised to run. Low or between legs. None. Possible yelp or whine.
Friendly Perked-up. Wide open. Alert look. Relaxed, possibly slightly open, "smiling" mouth. Normal posture. Still, or possible wiggling of whole rear end. Up or out from body. Wagging. Whimpering, yapping, or short, high bark.
Guarding Perked-up. Forward. Wide open, alert. Mouth slightly open, teeth bared. Snapping or gnashing of teeth. Tense. Rigid. Hackles up. Standing very tall in an aggressive or dominant stance. Rigid. Held straight out from body. Sometimes fluffed. Loud alert bark. Growl. Snarl.
Playful/happy Perked-up and forward, or relaxed. Wide open. Sparkly/merry-looking. Mouth relaxed and slightly open, teeth covered. Excited panting. Relaxed, or front end lowered, rear end up in the air, wiggling in a play-bow. Excited bouncing and jumping up and down. Circling around and running forward and back in an invitation to play. Wagging vigorously. Excited barking. Soft play-growling.
Predatory Alert. Held forward or backward to catch sounds.. Wide open. Staring, focusing. Mouth closed. Rigid. Low to ground, ready to spring forward. Quietly sniffing the air. Straight and low. None.
Subordinate / Submissive Down, flattened against head. Narrowed to slits or wide open, whites showing. Lips pulled way back from teeth in a "grin". Nuzzling or licking other animal or person on face. Lowered to the ground, front paw lifted. Lying on the back, stomach up. Possible urine leakage/drip. Possible emptying of anal scent glands. Down, between legs None, or low, worried whining. Possible yelping/whimpering in fear.


Interesting facts:

• When a pet dog died in ancient Egypt, the owners would shave their eyebrows, smear mud on their heads and mourn loudly for days
• Certain foods are harmful to your dog's health, e.g. grapes, raisins, chocolate, macadamia nuts, caffeine, prepared onions, apple and pear seeds
• A dog has greater flexibility for running because its shoulder blades are separated from the rest of its skeleton
• Max, Jake, Maggie and Molly are the most popular names for dogs
• The French poodle does not originate from France, but from Germany
• A newborn puppy cannot see or hear and has no teeth
• There are more than 400 million dogs worldwide, with the most in the United States and France
• Dogs have unique nose prints, just like human fingerprints
• A dog is most likely not going to attack two or more dogs
• Petting your dog can lower its blood pressure and relax it
• The greyhound is one of the fastest animals on earth
• An Australian cattle dog lived for 29 dog years and 5 months, which is equivalent to more than 160 human years
• Like a two- or three-year-old human, dogs can understand up to 200 words, including gestures
• Golden Retrievers can help you land a date, while Pit Bulls will ruin your chances
• The Border Collie and the Poodle are said to be the smartest dog breeds, while the slowest are the Afghan Hound and Basenji
• The dog is the only animal that has a prostate
• A dog can be left-handed or right-handed, just like a human
• To make friends with a dog, let it take the first step and take your time to react
• Dogs bury bones and other food due to their survival instinct to store food for later
• Dogs do not and do not chase cars or postmen because they hate them, they do it out of habit because it has always successfully meant the car drives away or the postman leaves the scene
• Male dogs do not need to lift a leg to urinate and do so only to mark their territory, the higher the lift, the more powerful the other dog's perception of the one who left the mark Yorkshire Terrier



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