Top Tips for Fur Care Excellence

As a dog owner, it is critical that you pay attention to your dog's fur because well-groomed fur promotes your dog's well-being. However, determining which tools are required for dog fur care can be difficult. Brushing once or twice a week and a bath every now and then benefit all dogs, regardless of coat type.

The different fur types

If you have a dog with short fur, such as a Labrador or a French Bulldog, brushing the fur thoroughly once or twice a week is sufficient. However, it also depends on where the dog lives and moves; for example, a city dog who mostly walks on asphalt and gravel paths will have a cleaner coat than a dog who visits the forest every day.

If your dog has medium to long fur, brush it thoroughly several times per week or the coat will tangle and knots will form. These can be extremely painful for the dog to untangle, and some may need to be shaved off. These knots are frequently discovered under the front legs, in the armpits, in the groin, and on the neck where the collar rests (where there is the most friction and movement). If the knots become too large, the dog will be uncofmfortable or in pain when moving. When combing and brushing these areas on a regular basis, be extra thorough.

A professional dog groomer visit may be necessary if you own a dog with curls, such as a Poodle or Doodle, as this sort of fur should preferably be trimmed 1-4 times per year depending on the particular dog's coat. The environment and temperature have an impact on fur growth. Dogs who spend a lot of time outside, such as those who live on farms, frequently have thicker fur than dogs who live in cities and spend the majority of their time indoors.

My dog hates being brushed

When your dog is a puppy, it is critical to get him used to being brushed. Begin by gently brushing the puppy's back and rewarding it with treats. Even if the puppy's coat is perfectly fine and clean, this can be done a few times per week to help the puppy get used to the brush. You can also use the brush on other parts of your body, such as the neck, under the belly, and so on. Keep in mind to be gentle and patient.  

What brushes do I need?

Always invest in high-quality dog grooming equipment. Bad brushes can cause fur damage. Select a soft brush made of natural materials, such as boar hair. A good carding brush is also essential for getting deep into the undercoat. Always use caution when using a hard carding brush, as it can cause pain to the dog if the undercoat tangles a lot. A massage brush massages your dog while removing loose hair if he has a short coat. This brush is not suitable for long hair because the circular motions will tangle it.  

How often should the dog be bathed?

Dogs can easily tolerate being bathed on a regular basis. However, it is also important to consider where the dog goes and how it behaves. Is it always in the woods and enjoys rolling in mud? Is it mostly used in cities and avoids even the smallest puddle? There is no hard and fast rule about how frequently the dog should be bathed. Remember that this must begin in puppyhood so that it becomes accustomed to it. If your dog has allergies, consult your veterinarian about which shampoo to use and how frequently he or she should be bathed. 

Which shampoo and conditioner should I use?

Always use high-quality shampoo and conditioner that are made from pure and natural ingredients. Furthermore, because no two dogs are alike, it is critical to select products specifically for your dog. Your dog may have dry, itchy skin and fur and thus require a shampoo formulated for this condition. Puppies' sensitive skin necessitates the use of gentle products. There are numerous products on the market, and at Petlux, you will only find natural, high-quality products.

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