Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso - learn more about this unique dog

A very exceptional companion dog that doesn't need a lot of labor is the Lhasa Apso. Given the small size of the dog, there isn't a lot of activity either. That said, you can avoid taking this breed on really long walks while still playing with and stimulating the dog.

The time must be used for practice and game-related activities instead. The dog is first highly wary of both new people and animals, and it takes some acclimating to strangers. Because of this, you must understand that you shouldn't start touching the dog until it has gotten to know its owner.

Lhasa Apso's Temperament and Personality

When looking for a new dog, there are numerous considerations to keep in mind. The temperament of the dog is one of the most crucial factors. The Lhasa Apso has a strong sense of independence and can express itself effectively when it is displeased or uneasy about anything. The dog breed is also well known for being quite headstrong. A dog with this mix may occasionally make decisions on its own.

It is crucial to start training your dog as soon as you get him home. Dog training is essential to ensure that you have a well-behaved dog who enjoys interacting with humans and other dogs. The dog will feel secure in a lot more circumstances as a result of the training.

When a Lhasa Apso is correctly raised, you get an absolutely amazing dog that can thrive in both smaller homes and larger ones. The dog is extremely affectionate toward its family and genuinely enjoys playing with both people and dog toys. Therefore, it is excellent for families with young children. Additionally, the dog has a strong defending instinct despite its small size. If something unexpected happens, you may be certain that the dog will let you know by making a noise.


The dog breed, which has been around for some hundred years, originates from Tibetan monasteries. The dog was thought to defend against evil spirits many years ago, making the breed particularly well-liked, especially in homes where faith and religion were cherished. The dog used to reside in the highlands and plateaus of Tibet, which may account for its independence and for the fact that the Lhasa Apso's temperament is sometimes more pronounced than that of other breeds.

The dog is most often recognized by its stunning, lengthy fur, which can be any color—from golden to black and white, or a combination of the two—and can be any length. As a result, when you own a Lhasa Apso, you also need to pay close attention to the fact that extensive fur care is required.

Get control of fur care

The dog breed has an extremely lovely and silky coat that, as was already noted, needs a lot of maintenance. On the other hand, a Lhasa Apso does not trigger allergies because it does not shed much. In addition to washing and drying the dog's fur frequently, you should brush the dog thoroughly a few times every week. Instead of spending the time on long walks, which the dog doesn't need, you might spend it grooming the dog's fur, which will ensure that it thrives and has a lovely appearance.

While many prefer to let their dog's fur fall to the ground, you can alternatively use scissors to trim it to a shorter length. A Lhasa Apso puppy, on the other hand, requires a little more consideration while getting a haircut because the fur grows between the ages of 10 and 18 months. Here, the dog should be trimmed so that you may more easily get rid of the heat, among other things.

How old does a Lhasa Apso live and other facts about the breed

The average Lhasa Apso lifespan is between 12 and 14 years. It is quite typical of many other small dog breeds, and this one is no different.

The weight of a Lhasa apso is typically between 5-7 kg for females and a little bit more for males. As for the height of the dog, there is not much of a variation between the sexes. The females are often a little shorter than the males, who are usually about 25 cm tall. Consequently, the dog is not particularly big.

Find the right equipment and food for your dog

This dog, like all dogs, requires both appropriate dog food and dog equipment to function properly. To ensure that the dog feels as well as possible, it's crucial to choose the correct food. To ensure that you are aware of what is in the dog food you select to feed your dog, always read the ingredient list.

We always prefer to feed the dog high-quality food, especially during the puppy stage, when the dog requires the most nutrition.

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