Making the Most of Puppyhood

When you bring a new puppy home, you must manage a number of issues so that the entire experience is positive for both the puppy and the owner. It could be what supplies and food you need to have ready for when the puppy arrives, as well as having thought about what the puppy should learn, and so on.

Nice to have vs. need to have

At Petlux, we have a large selection of puppy equipment that is of high quality, attractively designed, and reasonably priced. The following are the most important things to acquire:

Puppy food
  • Dog bed and possibly a cozy blanket
  • Indoor cage
  • Collar/harness and leash
  • Food and water bowl
  • Toy
  • Dog bags
  • Soft brush and ccomb
  • Unscented puppy shampoo
  • Towel
  • Treats
  • Light for the collar
  • Dog ID tag
  • Toothbrush
  • Tick remover
  • Insurance
  • Vaccines and dog passport (vet)

    Choose natural and safe products 

    When choosing a toy, choose one made of natural materials such as jute or natural rubber to avoid putting harmful substances in the puppy's mouth. Choose quality food made from natural ingredients that is free of harmful additives for his meals. The wrong diet can harm the puppy's growth and interfere with the development of healthy bones and joints. A poor diet also increases the risk of developing diseases later in life. The puppy, like children, requires proper nutrition that includes the proper balance of vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Remember to make the transition from the breeder's puppy food to the new puppy food as smooth as possible (if you decide to change). 

    When the puppy comes home

    Moving into a new home is extremely stressful for the little new puppy, so everything must be done at his pace. You should take things slowly at first and not expect too much from the puppy. The puppy must first become acquainted with its surroundings. Allow it to sniff around and explore the house under supervision. Feel free to play with it in different rooms so that it feels safe and happy in the house and with its inhabitants. To build and strengthen your bond, spend time with the puppy, play with it, and practice eye contact with some tasty treats.

    Once a puppy feels safe in its new home, it can easily learn new skills. You can train yours to come when you call, for example, which requires it to know its name. It is critical for a puppy to learn to be calm, which is why having a crate at home can be beneficial. A crate must serve as a time out zone for the puppy, allowing it to get away from people and possibly children in the house. It should never be forced into the crate. Use treats and chew toys to entice it to go in there on its own.

    It is critical to understand that the puppy should not live in the crate. If there are younger children in the house, it is critical that they learn that the puppy must be calm and that they must not constantly play with it.

    Home alone training

    The puppy must become accustomed to being left alone in the house. It can be trained by going out with the garbage while the puppy is inside, or by hanging laundry in one room while the puppy is in another. From day to day, these patterns are varied and gradually increased. So don't start by leaving the puppy alone at home for one or two hours at a time; it won't be able to handle it and may develop separation anxiety. The puppy should not be left alone in a closed cage, but should have access to a small area in the house where the cage can be left open. Tire it out with play and exercise before leaving. 


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