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Orbiloc - Mode Selector Ring

Orbiloc - Mode Selector Ring
Extend the Lifespan of Your Orbiloc Safety Light with the Orbiloc Mode Selector Ring
Discover the Orbiloc Mode Selector Ring, designed to enhance the longevity of your Orbiloc Safety Light.
Orbiloc products are renowned for their durability, yet we understand that rigorous usage may take its toll. With this innovative accessory, you can ensure your Orbiloc Safety Light remains functional for an extended period.
Package contents: 1 x Orbiloc Mode Selector Ring
We ship to most parts of Europe with GLS, which usually delivers within 1-4 working days.
Shipping in Europe is split up into two Zones. Find out which Zone your country is in here.
Zone 1:
- Standard Shipping with GLS to parcel shop in Zone 1 costs 5 €.
- Shipping with GLS to home delivery in Zone 1 costs 9 €.
Free Standard Shipping with GLS to parcel shop on orders over 65 €.
Zone 2:
- Shipping with GLS to delivery point in Zone 2 costs 49 €
- Shipping with GLS to home delivery in Zone 2 costs 49 €
Free shipping with GLS on orders over 250 €
If you need to return a product, you can easily do so here.
You are always welcome to contact our customer service if you have questions about a product or if you need advice on either feed, care or other products.
Find contact details here.
Extend the Lifespan of Your Orbiloc Safety Light with the Orbiloc Mode Selector Ring
Discover the Orbiloc Mode Selector Ring, designed to enhance the longevity of your Orbiloc Safety Light.
Orbiloc products are renowned for their durability, yet we understand that rigorous usage may take its toll. With this innovative accessory, you can ensure your Orbiloc Safety Light remains functional for an extended period.
Package contents: 1 x Orbiloc Mode Selector Ring
We ship to most parts of Europe with GLS, which usually delivers within 1-4 working days.
Shipping in Europe is split up into two Zones. Find out which Zone your country is in here.
Zone 1:
- Standard Shipping with GLS to parcel shop in Zone 1 costs 5 €.
- Shipping with GLS to home delivery in Zone 1 costs 9 €.
Free Standard Shipping with GLS to parcel shop on orders over 65 €.
Zone 2:
- Shipping with GLS to delivery point in Zone 2 costs 49 €
- Shipping with GLS to home delivery in Zone 2 costs 49 €
Free shipping with GLS on orders over 250 €
If you need to return a product, you can easily do so here.
You are always welcome to contact our customer service if you have questions about a product or if you need advice on either feed, care or other products.
Find contact details here.